Thursday, June 7, 2018

Europe Tour

Hey everyone! I recently came back from my Europe Tour with my district here in Germany! We went through a program called "Belo Europe travel" and it was an amazing experience! I'll post a short play by play of how the trip went!

First off we went to Amsterdam which is only three or so hours away from where I live here in Germany. We had a bike tour of the city, had a picnic in the park, toured Anne Frank House and ended the day with a boat tour of the famous canals!

The next day we went to Brussels for the afternoon. We just walked around the city, got waffles and french fries! Then we got back on the bus and headed to Paris!

 The next two days were spent in Paris! We had several walking tours of the city, saw all the popular monuments, ate lots of food, lounged in the sun in front of the Eiffel Tower, saw the Louvre Museum and got plenty sun burnt!


The next day we hopped on the bus and drove to Geneva, Switzerland. We had a tour of the UN office and hung out in our fancy Five-Star hotel. The next morning we walked around the old town, shopped a bit, walked by the lake and then went on the bus to head to our next city!


After a long 11 hour bus ride from Switzerland ( thank you traffic in Milan) we finally arrived in Venice! The next day we had a walking tour of the city, ate fresh fruit at the local market, rode on the gondolas and toured the glass making on the island Murano!

The next day we stopped in Postonja Slovenia and had a tour of the caves. Then we got on the bus and arrived that evening in Budapest! The next morning we had a tour of the city, the big hill, castle hill, the palace and that evening we went to the thermal baths and had a traditional dinner with the local people who performed a traditional dance!  

Then we headed off to the city of Vienna! We had a picnic in the park, had a tour of the palace and the city, a tour of the library and we went to the Sounds of Vienna show!


Then we went to Prague! On the way there we stopped in Bratislava Slovakia and had a tour of the castle and city. Then we went to Prague and had dinner! Which consisted of half a duck and a large portion of potatoes... The next day we had a full day tour of the city and palace. We ate lots of ice cream and walked until we had plenty of blisters. That night we threw a Rotary appropriate party. The next morning we woke up bright and early and went back to Germany!

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask away in the comment section! Sorry for not posting so much but you'd be surprised how busy and fast exchange life can get! Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


 Hello! I know i've gone MIA for the past month and a half but I will do a summary of what's been going on! For each picture I will add a caption and date, as you might have noticed, the formatting on blogspot is not the easiest to control so please bear with me! 

December 2-3, Oldenburg Rotary Meeting

We had a Rotary sleepover with all the inbounds and made cookies, painted bags and baked waffles! We got Christmas presents from our Rotary Santa and got the information on the Europe tour! Later that night it snowed for the first time and many of the students ( Brazilians) had never seen snow before! The next day we went to a charity bowling event and raised money for UNISEF. Then I took the train back to Leer and worked at the Christmas market for my Rotary club. We sold grog and poffertjes! This is a picture of me, my counselor and our Leer Rotary President. 

 December 8, Leer

I went with my friends and host brother to the Christmas market in Leer for some Kinderpunch and Pommes! It was really cold and snowy but lots of fun! The market was very lively at all times of the day but it was always a bit crazy at night! The stands served beer, sweets, french fries and more! Christmas is very big in Germany and it was cool to see the whole town decorated!

December 10th, Leer

We went and picked out a Christmas tree! The trees are already cut and stored on pegs so you can just pick it up and leave! Unlike the grueling task of finding, cutting and carrying the tree across and open field. It started snowing so we went to the Christmas market and walked around for awhile. Then we went to a cafe and got something warm to drink! It was so snowy I felt like i was in a wonderland with all the lights and festivities! 
Host brother Henri, me, Host mom Sandra and Host dad Christoph. 

This is the outside of my house!

For Christmas we celebrate on the 24th and we went to church and ate some very good food! That night we opened presents and ate some sweets! On the 25th we met with the extended family at my host grandmas house. It was nice to meet everyone in the family and share traditions.

December 26th

It was a nice day after Christmas so my family took me up to the North Sea! It was very windy and cold but super pretty! We stopped and got tea and cake.

 On January 6th I moved to my second Host family. They live in another town called Collinghorst. I take the bus for 20 minutes into Leer for school and back. My Host parents and brother are very nice! We have two parrots and four horses! I love living here and since my host mom is an a amazing artist I'm improving on my art skills! 

If you have any question feel free to comment! Sorry for this taking so long but I hope you enjoy!